Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Sunday: Closed
¡Hablamos español todos los días!
3257 Folsom Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95816 (main entrance)
1428 33rd St, Sacramento, CA 95816 (parking is here)
When it comes to disease prevention, immunizations are key. Not only does getting vaccinated protect you, but it protects those around you. Our highly qualified staff can easily administer these immunizations here at the pharmacy. The vaccines listed on this page are offered on a walk-in basis, no appointment necessary, except for COVID and MPOX vaccines. For COVID and MPOX (monkeypox) vaccinations, please schedule an appointment using the links on the corresponding red buttons above. Walk-ins for COVID and MPOX are limited to availability.
Most vaccines are FREE with most insurances.
We are NOT in network with Kaiser or Tri-Care (military benefits).
Flu for seniors ages 65 and over
Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Human Papillomavirus (aka HPV)
Japanese Encephalitis - travel consultation required
Meningitis vaccines including MenA/C/Y/W-135 and MenB
MMR (measles, mumps, & rubella)
MPOX (monkeypox)
Pneumonia (PCV20 and PPSV23)
RSV (Respiratory Synctial Virus)
Tdap (Tetanus, diptheria, pertussis) and DTaP (Diptheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis)
Typhoid - travel consultation required
Varicella (chickenpox)
Yellow Fever - travel consultation required
Zoster (shingles)