Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Sunday: Closed
¡Hablamos español todos los días!​​​
Tuesday, December 24, 2024 - 9am-1pm
Wednesday, December 25, 2024 - Closed
Tuesday, December 31, 2024 - 9am-1pm
Wednesday, January 1, 2025 - Closed
3257 Folsom Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95816 (main entrance)
1428 33rd St, Sacramento, CA 95816 (parking is here)
Pill Packaging
We all know how difficult it can be to keep track of what medication you need and when, especially if you take multiple medications, travel often or are always on the go. When you enroll in this service, our pharmacist places the pills you need for each dose into individual packets, organized by date and time.
Pucci's Pharmacy is pleased to announce we have purchased a RapidPakRx and a SynMed machine to help simplify your prescription medication management by synchronizing and packaging your medications for you. This service helps people on multiple medications manage their daily doses. Our pharmacy will organize and package all your medications for you, removing the hassle and time-consuming organization of packaging your medications in pill boxes at home.
Simplify your life by letting us package your medications for you in convenient pouches marked by dosage, day, date, and time. Fill out the form below if you are interested. We will then have someone from Pucci's Pharmacy contact you to sign you up in the program.
With RapidPak Rx, Pucci's can package your medications into paper strips in a convenient box which dispenses them from a roll in order of the time of day the medications should be taken. Patients who use RapidPak Rx love the flexibility of being able to tear off a few doses or days worth of their medication for easy transport when travelling.
Pucci's Pharmacy is also able to package your medications using our state-of-the-art SynMed machine into convenient FlexRx multi-dose cards. With FlexRx, each pack contains individual blisters that are personalized with your information.
Each Individual RapidPak or FlexRx package lists:
Your name
Your medication names and dosages
Date of administration
Time to be taken (morning, noon, evening, bedtime)
Benefits of Using RapidPak Rx OR FlexRx Multi-Dose Packaging
Filled by our pharmacy using robotics and verified by the pharmacist to decrease mistakes
Easier to use and more convenient than traditional pill boxes
Detachable and portable from one single dose up to whatever quantity you need making these packages ideal for patients in "day programs" or those who travel frequently.
Each pack labeled with the time of day so you know exactly when to take your medication
Great for taking to work or on travel trips
We are also able to offer individual unit-dose cards (aka bingo cards) where each medication is packaged and labeled separately on its own card.
How do I Sign up?
Schedule a consult with one of our team members by calling (916) 244-8880
Walk-in, bring ALL your prescriptions, vitamins, supplements and OTC medications and let your pharmacist know you are ready to start with RapidPak Rx or FlexRx
How Much Does RapidPak Rx or FlexRx Cost?
Currently we are offering this service at no charge to our patients
Cancel anytime
If you are an existing patient, please let the pharmacy staff know you are interested in starting one of these services and we will get you signed up.
If you are new to our pharmacy, please let us know the name of your doctor, current pharmacy, and insurance provider. We will transfer your medications for you and get the packaging service started.
Say goodbye to pill bottles and hello to easier, healthier living. We look forward to serving you!