Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Sunday: Closed
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Tuesday, December 24, 2024 - 9am-1pm
Wednesday, December 25, 2024 - Closed
Tuesday, December 31, 2024 - 9am-1pm
Wednesday, January 1, 2025 - Closed
3257 Folsom Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95816 (main entrance)
1428 33rd St, Sacramento, CA 95816 (parking is here)
HIV Testing, PrEP, & PEP
Pucci's Pharmacy is now offering rapid finger stick point-of-care HIV and HCV testing. Read more about these services below and then click the link below to schedule an appointment for HIV and HCV testing.
Under California SB 159 and SB 339, pharmacists may provide HIV testing and initiate a prescription for HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and HIV Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) within 72 hours of HIV exposure. Click below to schedule an appointment for HIV & STI testing and prescription for HIV PrEP or PEP. Upon confirmation of HIV negative result and depending on individual insurance coverage*, you may be eligible for Truvada (emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxyl fumarate), Descovy (emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide), or Apretude (cabotegravir) for PrEP. (*Kaiser patients: We are NOT in-network for Kaiser. Any services provided to persons with Kaiser insurance will be self-pay in advance of services being provided.)
If you have a confirmed HIV exposure, our pharmacists will be able to prescribe PEP (Post Exposure Prophylaxis) as indicated in the current CDC guidelines.
Those who test HIV positive may be offered rapid initiation of anti-retroviral treatment and will be connected with a physician for consultation and ongoing treatment.
Our staff will help to coordinate a referral if your plan will not allow you to fill prescriptions at our pharmacy. Our staff will also refer you to a PrEP navigator for assistance if you are uninsured.
Our pharmacists will be able to perform a rapid point-of-care finger-stick blood test in one of the private clinic rooms at Pucci's and will be able to prescribe you PrEP when you come in for your initial visit upon confirming a HIV negative result. Blood work to confirm the HIV negative result from the rapid, finger-stick blood test, Hepatitis B & C status, renal (kidney) function, syphilis, and pregnancy (if applicable) will be ordered by the pharmacist. This bloodwork will be performed at a Quest Lab location.
In addition to the blood work, the pharmacist will order tests for other STIs including Syphilis, Gonorrhea, and Chlamydia using self-collected swabs (oral, rectal, and vaginal) and urine.
If you test positive for any bacterial STI, our pharmacists will be able to treat you and any sexual partners and/or refer you/them to a physician if necessary.
Costs of testing will be billed to your health plan by Quest Laboratory. As with any other laboratory visit, you may be responsible for copays and deductible amounts for which you will receive an explanation of benefits and an invoice from your health plan. Not all health plans cooperate with allowing pharmacists to order labs. Kaiser specifically requires Kaiser members to use Kaiser only.
Follow up testing and continued provision of prescriptions for PrEP are able to be provided by Pucci's Pharmacy as we are operating in a Collaborative Practice Agreement with a physician. If you received PEP, you will need to have repeat testing performed in 28 days. Upon confirmation of negative HIV status, we will prescribe you PrEP. You will need to have quarterly visits thereafter for follow-up bloodwork and re-issuance of your prescription. Refills will NOT be issued without bloodwork to confirm negative HIV status.
We are able to initiate and continue Apretude for PrEP injections. Ask the pharmacist during your consultation if you would like to know more about Apretude.
Note that under California SB 159 & SB 339, all willing pharmacies are able to provide prescription for HIV PrEP and/or HIV PEP up to twice for a 30 day supply in 2 years. Pucci's Collaborative Practice Agreement with a physician allows us to continuously provide these services to eligible patients beyond the scope authorized in SB 159/SB 339.